FIX University Deanery Shopping List


-Pan Tajado






OutSource F72 Almuerzo: veggi

OutSource Best Burger Hamburguer 

-Rice Crispies

-Sandwich de Subway



-Miga de Pan

-Mezcla de Pancakes


-Frutas:banano ,papaya etc

-Tortilla Grandes (Burritos) 

:Frijol,queso crema,aguacate



-Harina Arepa

-Galletas Oreo


-Pescado Congelado

-Arepa Preparadas




-Club House Ingredients: jamones , queso ,lechuga ,tomate


- Helado

-Hamburguesa (OutSource)

-Sandwich (Submarine Sandwiches)

-Frijolada Casa Centro

Universidad Fernando IX

Lets Learn English. Do me a favor guys. Call me at (312)876-3778. There will be an Americana event tonight. Find Spoleto Festival All Year Round! Come to the Art Exhibition!

Universidad Fernando IX


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